New Features - May 2023 Last updated on 05/17/2023

Important Note: The items marked with * are customer-requested features and may not be present in all sites of MediaFerry.

1. Proofing Module - Process Improvement*

Mediaferry’s process for sending proofs to customers has been improved from a two-step process to a single step, with the introduction of a new option called "Complete-customer" under the route pop-up window. This new option will allow internal users to approve the job and send the proof directly to the customer in one step, instead of having to separately change the status of the job to send the proof to the customer. With this update, once the job is approved by an internal user using the "Complete-customer" option, it will automatically move to the "Proof to Customer" status, rather than "Proof to Sales". This should simplify the process of sending proofs to customers and reduce the amount of time and effort required by internal users.

2. SmartDesign - Ability to hyperlink images*

Click-Through URLs (CTURL) can be added to images in both responsive and non-responsive emailers with SmartDesign's latest feature. Now email recipients can easily click on an image and be directed to a specific landing page or website.

Improvements - May 2023 Last updated on 05/17/2023

Important Note: Items marked with * are customer-requested features and may not be present in all sites of MediaFerry.

1. Deadline module- User interface update*

With the updated deadline module in MediaFerry for Postmedia, several changes have been implemented. Here is the list of changes implemented:

  1. The user interface has been updated to display a list of all deadline overrides that have been created for future deadlines. The information is available in the same panel to make it easy for users to access the required information.
  2. Past deadlines will be removed from the panel to keep it clean and relevant to the current and future deadlines.
  3. The deadlines have been made more flexible, and users can now edit or delete deadline overrides as needed. This means that if a user has created a deadline override, but the circumstances have changed, they can edit or delete the override to reflect the new requirements.
  4. If the user chooses to delete a deadline override, any override that has been done will be reversed to pre-deadline override dates and times. This means that if a user has moved a deadline forward, deleting the override would restore the original deadline date and time.

These changes make the deadline module in MediaFerry more user-friendly and flexible, giving users more control over their deadlines and ensuring that they have the information they need to manage their work efficiently.

2. MediaFerry - Custom fields

All system fields are now configurable using XML for MediaFerry sites in edit and create job windows. Previously, certain fields in MediaFerry were hardcoded and unable to be modified to suit specific client needs. However, recent improvements have made it possible for all fields to be adjusted and customized according to the client's requirements.

Example fields are:

  • Priority
  • Run Date
  • Wanted Date
  • 3. Refined Ad Unit Targeting*

    MediaFerry’s Google Ad Manager (GAM) workflow has been updated to target a specific landing page rather than the entire website. This is done by marking a metadata field named "Landing page" with a value of "Yes" to indicate that the ad unit should only appear on that specific landing page. By using metadata to target specific pages, MediaFerry will achieve more granular control over where the ads are displayed, which can be useful for improving ad performance and targeting specific audiences.

    4. Ad Trafficking Automation - Self Serve*

    MediaFerry now automatically classifies new adverts created in AdPoint based on their API value. If the API value is 'Self Serve', the advert will be classified as 'Self Serving'. If not, the classification will remain as it is. The check is performed when a new ad is added/created in MediaFerry. It helps in saving time and ensuring campaigns go to market quickly.

    5. MediaFerry's Integration with Meta

    MediaFerry is now integrated with Meta, and this integration addresses several issues, including:

  • The automation sends the campaign across multiple accounts, using a round-robin approach with alternative accounts. This helps resolve Meta errors during campaign push via API.
  • If no document file listing the copy to be used is available, we will fetch the Ad primary text as a doc file with a predefined filename, so it will be processed as JOBNUMBER_FBTEXT.doc.
  • If a budget issue occurs while creating a campaign, MediaFerry would create new metadata for FB Budget & EndDate, where the user inputs an end date based on the campaign budget. The code would then use this value if it exists or the old metadata EndDate value.
  • New metadata would be created as FB Ad Type and provide options for Carousel, Slideshow, and Video.
  • Automation is done for video ads. Users would predefine a name (JOBNUMBER_VIDEO.mp4) and push it to FB.
  • Branded content is switched on.
  • 6. Workflow update for a client*

  • Copy chase workflow for camera-ready jobs has been updated to mirror the workflow for New Build jobs for a client. When a camera-ready job's status is changed to "Copy Chase," it would then move to "Material Requested," triggering an associated email notification. Once the material, such as a proof PDF, is uploaded, the job status would change to "For Camera Ready," and the camera-ready workflow would be initiated.
  • New Trafficking Status for Paused Campaigns created in MediaFerry for a specific client. Advertisers often request to pause their campaigns for various reasons such as conflicting campaigns, sensitive matters, etc. However, once manually paused in GAM/Facebook by trafficking, the status just remains on QFU. To address this issue and make it more obvious on reports and audits, a new status called "Campaign Paused" has been created.
  • 7. GAM update

    To enhance the automation of Google Ad serving, the current version of the GAM API has been upgraded to v202211.

    8. InDesign integration update

    To ensure MediaFerry remains updated and future-ready, the latest version of InDesign has been implemented.

    Fixes - May 2023 Last updated on 05/17/2023

    Important Note: The items marked with * are customer-requested features and may not be present in all sites of MediaFerry.

    Miscellaneous Bug Fixes*

    Some MediaFerry users reported bugs in the system these were limited to a few users only and not all MediaFerry users experienced issues. Here is a list of bugs that we've fixed in the MediaFerry system:

    1. Pdf files for print jobs were getting corrupted after the job was released. This has been fixed now.*

    2. The current GAM integration with Newsquest Gemstone allows the creative of different dimensions other than the required dimension to be uploaded. This has now been fixed. Having the ability to upload creatives with incorrect dimensions can cause issues with ad delivery and may impact ad performance. It's important to ensure that the creatives meet the required specifications to avoid any delays or additional costs.*

    3. There are some workflow changes made between MediaFerry and Gemstone to address an issue related to job status reporting. If there was any status which is not as per the approved status list, Gemstone was moving the job to the Ready for upload queue even if the job was complete. This has now been fixed. As per the updated workflow, MediaFerry will only report back the approved statuses to Gemstone, which are:*

      • Queued for Upload
      • Upload Query
      • Processing Upload
      • Upload Approved
      • Campaign Delivering
      • Campaign Completed

    4. HTML files were being stored as third party tags which was creating issue during the creative rendering. This is fixed. Now script tags in decoded files are being saved as .txt while others are being saved as .zip files.